What Is a Bid-Ask Spread?
Introduction A bid-ask spread is a quantity by which the asking price exceeds the bid price for an asset in…
What Is Downside Risk?
Introduction The downside risk estimates a security’s potential loss in value if market conditions precipitate a decline in that security’s…
Diversify Your Portfolio – Introduction, 5 Ways and More
Introduction Diversification of a portfolio is a battle cry for many financial organizers, fund managers, and individual investors. It is…
How Laptops Become Thinner and Lighter?
Introduction Perhaps some of us are contemporaries of the old generation of laptops and remember how big they are. Compared…
What is the Best Smartphone to Shoot?
Introduction With the fierce competition in 2020 between smartphone to shoot manufacturers worldwide, and with the convergence of the level…
The First Aircraft of its Kind in the World is Fully Electric
Introduction It is the first time that the world’s first electric-powered commercial aircraft has launched. On its first test flight…
Google Baseball Game – The Ultimate Guide to Playing the Google Baseball Game
Introduction Prepare to step up to the plate and play the Google Baseball Game! This guide will teach you everything…
Asset Class – Introduction, Understanding of Asset Class in 2022
Introduction An asset class is a grouping of investments that display similar features and are subject to the same laws…